Oscilloscope Function

What is an Oscilloscope?

"In simple terms, an oscilloscope is a device designed to visualize electrical signals as they vary over time. Think of it as a graphing tool that plots electrical voltage on the vertical axis against time on the horizontal axis. This visualization allows you to see the shape of the signal waveform, offering insights into the behavior of the electronic circuits you're working with." - Keysight

For an introduction to basic oscilloscope operation please see this excellent video by Rhode & Schwartz (NOTE: QUADSCOPE does not include all of the features mentioned in this video).

Non-Split Screen (Single Timebase)

Split Screen (Dual Timebase)

Getting Started

Simply connect a signal source (e.g. oscillator) to one of the QUADSCOPE inputs and the waveform will be displayed on the screen. You will probably then want to adjust the horizontal scale (also known as the timebase) so that a few complete cycles of the signal are displayed on the screen. You do this by turning the right knob (probably counter-clockwise but this depends on the frequency of the input signal).

Other adjustments to the display are also available and they are described below.

Vertical Scale

To adjust the vertical scale (height) of the waveform, rotate the left knob. The value of the vertical scale - per division - is shown below the grid.

The vertical scale is adjusted separately for each channel. TheĀ  channel LEDs indicate which channel will be affected when the knob is turned (this is called the selected channel). To change the selected channel, press the CH SEL button.

Vertical Position

To change the vertical position of the channel, press the right knob and simultaneously turn the left knob.

If the layout mode is set to stacked (see below) then the channel can only be positioned within its own vertical area of the screen.

Horizontal Scale

To adjust the horizontal scale, rotate the right knob. The value of the horizontal scale - per division - is shown at the top right of the screen (unless split-screen mode has been activated in which case it is shown below the grid).

Horizontal scale adjustment in split-screen (dual timebase) mode

When in split screen (dual timebase) mode, the horizontal scale is adjusted separately for each window. To change the selected window, press the CH SEL button. The window that contains the selected channel will become the selected window and the corresponding window selection LED will light up. Changes to the horizontal scale will then be applied to that window.

When split-screen mode is not active, neither of the window selection LEDs will be lit.

Other oscilloscope adjustments

Other oscilloscope parameters (eg. vertical scale, trigger level, measurements etc) can be adjusted by pressing the ADJUST button. The adjust popup will be displayed. Turn the left knob to select the setting that will be adjusted and the right knob to change the value of that setting. Press the ADJUST button when finished and the adjust popup will close.

Settings that can changed by using the ADJUST button are:


This will change the vertical position of the channel. The vertical position can also be adjusted by pressing the right knob and simultaneously turning the left knob.

A small right-facing triangle on the left of the screen indicates the channel vertical position (it is displayed at the zero volt level of the channel).


Changes the trigger level for the selected window. The default trigger level is 200mV which should work fine for most signals.


Changes the channel used for triggering in the selected window.

NOTE: If the current trigger channel is disabled (eg. by removing the patch cable for that channel, then the next enabled channel in the window will be automatically selected as the trigger channel).

A small left-facing triangle on the right edge of the screen indicates the trigger channel.


On-screen measurements can be displayed for each enabled channel. These include frequency (FREQ), peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp), minimum voltage (Vmin), maximum voltage (Vmax) and the last measured voltage (Vmonitor).

Different measurements can be displayed for the top and bottom windows in split screen mode.


Changes how the channels are displayed on the screen. The available layout modes are Stacked and Overlaid.

In stacked mode, the channels are 'stacked' vertically and never overlap. Each channel is constrained to their own vertical area of the screen. For example, if two channels are enabled in a window (or when split-screen mode is off), then each will be constrained to half of the height of the screen.

In overlaid mode, the channels overlap each other and each channel can be set to take up the full height of the screen.